Electrostatic Spray Disinfecting Services in Minneapolis

Fikes of MN offers electrostatic spray disinfecting services for commercial spaces, providing a more efficient and thorough cleaning method. Electrostatic spray disinfection is a specialized method that involves spraying an electrostatically charged mist onto surfaces and objects. The mist contains positively charged particles that aggressively adhere to surfaces and objects, creating a more complete and even clean.

How Does Electrostatic Spray Disinfection Work?

The electrostatic spray uses a specialized solution that is combined with air and atomized by an electrode inside the sprayer. The positively charged particles in the spray are attracted to negatively charged surfaces, including visible areas, undersides, and backsides, providing comprehensive cleaning coverage. This method reduces the time it takes to cover and disinfect all surfaces and hard-to-reach places by 50% compared to conventional methods.

Benefits of Electrostatic Spray Disinfecting

The main features and benefits of electrostatic spray disinfecting include:

  • Improved Infection Control: Electrostatic spray disinfecting improves infection control by reducing the spread of viruses such as influenza, MRSA, HIV, and many others.
  • More Efficient: Electrostatic spray disinfecting applies chemicals in a more efficient, controlled manner, eliminating the dangers of overuse.
  • Cost-Effective: Electrostatic spray disinfecting prevents costly financial burdens associated with contagious healthcare infections.
  • Thorough Cleaning: Electrostatic spray disinfecting is the best option for desktops, floors, walls, equipment, and hard-to-reach places that need to be absolutely spotless.

Is Electrostatic Spray Disinfecting Right for My Business?

If your commercial space contains rooms or areas that are sensitive to grime and germs, such as R&D facilities, clean rooms, or medical and healthcare facilities, then electrostatic spray disinfecting is the best option for cleaning all surfaces and equipment in those rooms. Although electrostatic spray disinfecting may sound like an aggressive method, it is actually an efficient and cost-effective solution for comprehensive cleaning coverage.

About Us

At Fikes of Minnesota, we understand the importance of maintaining clean and hygienic commercial spaces. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality electrostatic spray disinfecting services that meet the unique needs of your business. We offer 24/7 emergency support and a 4-hour response time to perform electrostatic disinfection for positive COVID-19 cases and presumptive cases. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you maintain a clean and healthy environment for your business.